The existing composting facility consists out of 2 composting tunnels with a combined capacity of 20.000 t/a. The input material is a mixture of food and green organics (FOGO) and commercial food.
All input streams are decontaminated and afterwards mixed in a pre-treatment line. The mixture is fed by a front loader into the tunnel. The tunnels have been upgraded with MECBIO’s door system, aeration units, central air and water treatment and automation system.
The 2 composting tunnels take their fresh air need from the processing building. To maintain a constant negative pressure in the building, preventing odours to escape. The central hall suction is connected via a by-pass to the humidifier fan. The tunnel exhaust air, combined with bypassed hall air flows through a humidifier to saturate the exhaust air as much as possible preventing the biofilter material from drying-out. The biofilter cleans the air, before exhausting to the atmosphere.